
DE NOBILI SCHOOL is named after a Jesuit Priest who made history with his new approach to India. Born into a noble Italian Family, Roberto De Nobili entered the Society of Jesus and came to live in Madurai in India in 1606. Here he became the first European to learn Sanskrit and to study the Vedas and the Vedanta. By a combination of great scholarship, love and good manners he gradually overcame the distrust of the Brahmins who suspected him of being a Turk in disguise. Father De Nobili was one of the first Europeans to recognize India’s rich heritage. It was his sincere effort to combine the best of two worlds that makes him a natural patron for our school.
Filial Tapestry 2024-2025
Parents’ Night - L.K.G & U.K.G
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Annual Fee | Tuition Fee Details Academic Year 2025-2026 [04-03-2025]
Book List (2025-2026) [03-03-2025]
Please contact School Office regarding any new admission - Principal [14-02-2025]
FEE DETAILS_NEW ADMISSION | 2025-26 [18-01-2025]
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Dear visitor,
A hearty WELCOME! to the official website of De Nobili School Chandrapura.

Mrs. Kanchan R. Lakra
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
DNS CTPS has been serving the society from the last 38 years for preparing the students to become intellectually competent, morally sound, spiritually oriented, willing to serve, committed to do justice, open to further growth and young responsible citizens of India. Being a Jesuit school, our mission is “To form men and women for others. “From Kolkata to London, from Mumbai to California, from Chennai to Switzerland and from Delhi to Sydney you will find ex-Nobilians everywhere on this globe.
Our Vision and Mission
- To become mature and spiritually oriented men and women of character.
- To strive after excellence in every field.
- To value and judiciously use their freedom.
- To be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action.
- To become agents of much needed social change in our country.
- To become men and women for others.

Mrs. Kanchan R. Lakra
Welcome to The De Nobili School.

School RoadMap

Bio Lab

Chemistry Lab

School Infrastructure

School Infrastructure